April 15, 2019 5 min read

A new doorway of opportunity has opened for patients, veterans and potential consumers around the world who have decided to explore the possibilities of CBD, this new natural alternative. But, how do you tell the difference between the different variations and marketing out there about this hot topic?

What is the hype all about?  

CBD (Cannabidiol) has an evolving and growing following in the natural health and well-being space marked by millions of people choosing to use it today.  

botanCBD chose to cater to our customers' needs and commit to seek out, obtain, and provide the highest quality, lab tested and most effective CBD (Cannabidiol) products on the market.   

What is CBD?  

CBD has become well known for many reasons – a couple of which include it’s amazing adaptability and the real life stories that seem to good to be true, yet are. CBD (Cannabidiol) has without a doubt, respectfully earned it’s place and is continuing to march forward as a viable alternative to many other choices people have had over the years.  

CBD (Cannabidiol) has become of vital importance in many roles within many health-focused industries. The best thing yet – we have yet to discover all-of the substantial benefits that it has to offer!   

Medical studies are being performed around the globe, meticulous studies. So that together we can come to learn as much as possible about this seemingly miraculous plant and the properties of which it contains.   

Did you know...? 

With today’s leading technology and sciences in the field we can now access, we are able to obtain concentration levels consistently above 90% pure cannabinoids in the broad spectrum terpene and cannabinoid rich distillate oils. Lab COA results are showing non-detectable amounts of THC with modern extraction methods for extracts, oils, and more! Meaning all the good and none of the bad, for pure clean products at scale and quantity. All-natural self-regenerating resource, legal, and universally applicable Hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) derived from hemp has truly opened a doorway of omnipresent opportunity for our future and generations to come! 

The Endocannabinoid System 

Every single person has a unique biological layout. No two are made the same. Think of the human body and biology like a snowflake – no two are identical. Each one of us is unique in either a micro or macro way from one another.  

Contained within each body is a very-unique endocannabinoid system, which was designed to interact with cannabinoids that enter your body.  

The endocannabinoid system is made up of crucial enzymes, receptors (CB1 and CB2), and endocannabinoids.  

To obtain and continuously retain an emotional, psychological, and physical balance – we must understand the vital roles of which each system is functioning at in these perspectives, to accurately and actively speculate the proper way to incorporate that balance into our day to day life.  

Isolate Based CBD Products

Most THC Free CBD products on the market are made with isolate. Meaning the CBD that is contained within the product is simply 99.99% Pure CBD Isolate powder. This is one of the easiest way to control a dosage amount but is not the simplest type of extract. It is also much less effective as an ingredient. Isolate based products are lacking in many key areas.

With modern technology and laboratory equipment – we are able-to extract the CBD (Cannabidiol) molecule in its entirety into a crystalline powder. This results in a powder that contains 99.99% pure cannabidiol (CBD) in powder form. This is great for those that only want CBD, but the research and science coming out is showing that it is the presence of all the other minor cannabinoids that really makes a CBD product effective.

Isolate is made with the use of variety of different chemicals and solvents, and lacks minor cannabinoids, terpenes. It is over-processed and not nearly as effective for patient outcomes - as shown in recent studies. 

Most beneficial effects have come from not only CBD (Cannabidiol), but the full spectrum of cannabinoids – found within Broad Spectrum products.  

Does Full Spectrum CBD Have THC? 

The short answer is yes, it does. Now read on to find out if that is good for you or bad for you.

Full Spectrum Cannabidiol Extract has the ability-to not only obtain, but also retain the full and complete spectrum of cannabinoids currently known within the cannabinoid group.  

Full Spectrum extracts are extracted through a meticulous and highly advanced Co2 extraction process to obtain a pure and potent form of oil. The oil will include and is not limited to CBGA, CBDA, CBV, CBG, CBC, CBN, CBD, THC, THCV, THCA at varying levels.  

All-of these cannabinoids have been proving to be beneficial to the body and some may even alleviate symptoms associated with life-altering conditions.   

The only downfall of Full Spectrum CBD Oil based products is the THC levels. Full Spectrum products typically yield higher THC levels than other types of extractions – which may pose issues in some states or for users that do not want THC to show up on screenings or tests.

Broad Spectrum THC Free Distillate Based CBD Products  

Utilizing a solvent-free extraction method allows botanCBD to create a highly-active cannabinoid profile just as full and potent as full spectrum oil, but without the THC. This top tier product has high terpene content (adding flavor and other benefits), high potency (for maximum effects) and is made using solvent free methods, meaning the oil never touches a chemical solvent. Even current CO2 extraction cannot say this as they must winterize the oil with ethanol after the extraction process. 

See our collection of these premier products here.

We use our patented THC removal system to lower the THC content to below 15 parts per million and to create the highest possible potency / most effective CBD Oil on the market! 

This is by far our most pure, effective and most popular type of extract. We utilize this extract in many of our products to ensure that our customers are obtaining the quality they seek.  

We understand that the quality and purity of your products is of the utmost importance to you, as it is to us. We take pride in sourcing our hemp plants from growers who carry the same levels of integrity, passion, and drive for the movement. Together, we are all becoming a part of a life-altering movement that will have an impact on many individual lives, as well as a significant impact on a variety of thriving industries, and even our country and our world.

We are here to happily answer any questions or provide any assistance that you may need. Please be sure to share this article with your friends, family and co-workers. As always, do not hesitate to contact us directly – we are always happy to help.